Hawaiian Village Lake Association
Some important Nebraska Laws (Click this link for all Nebraska Boating Regulations):
All motorized watercraft MUST have a Nebraska registration and MUST display the current registration numbers on the forward half of the vessel.
As of January 1, 2004, any motorboat operator (including personal watercraft) at least 14 but less than 18 must complete a Boating Safety Course and be in possession of a course certificate when operating the boat.
Children under 12 years old aboard any vessel must wear a USCG approved Personal Floatation Device (PFD).
Sail boats, canoes, rowboats, paddle boats and SWIMMERS always have the right-of-way.
Personal watercraft cannot under any circumstances be operated from sunset to sunrise.
All boats must use appropriate lights at night.
A vessel towing a person on water skis or similar devices carry a bright orange (skier down" flag, at least 12 inches square or at least 144 square inches in size) when a skier is down.
Boats must not follow a skier closer than 200 feet
Maintain a distance of 50 feet from all shorelines, docks and other watercraft.